Release Notes ============= 0.3.0 ----- * drop support for deprecated python and django versions * conform to latest flake8 0.2.1 ----- * bugfix: #12 - won't crash if username contains multiple act as auth sepchars (e.g.: ``admin/user/`` (note the trailing slash) * bugfix: #13 - wrapping ``act_as_auth_view`` in ``sensitive_post_parameters`` 0.2.0 ----- * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: not inheriting from ``ModelBackend``, but rather working in addition to the existing ``settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: only one act-as-auth backend can be configured for ``settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` 0.1.7 ----- * add support for Django 1.11 and thus python 3.6 0.1.6 ----- * add support for Django 1.10 0.1.5 ----- * fix ``description`` on 0.1.4 ----- * first public release to pypi * fixed ``README.rst`` to look OK on 0.1.3 ----- * explicitly add support for Django 1.6 and 1.7 * use Django's own bundled ``six`` instead of installing the external version * explicity add support for Django's own supported Python version, i.e.: Python 3.3 and 3.5 too (dropped 3.2 support as the travis build failed during setup) 0.1.2 ----- * introduce * ``act_as_login_view`` * ``act_as_login_url`` * ``get_login_form`` * ``InitialValuesFromRequestGetFormMixin`` as part of the public api * "backport" to Django 1.5: ``authentication_form`` has ``request`` even on ``POST`` * can prefill ``username`` from query string * bugfix: when user to act as is ``None``, don't crash the process (e.g.: when ``can_act_as`` checked some property of the user, thus generating an ``AttributeError``) 0.1.1 ----- * bugfix: ``ActAsModelBackend.is_act_as_username`` used to fail when ``username`` argument was ``None``, now it returns ``False`` * explicitly regression testing for login redirecting to value provided in ``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` * bugfix: ```` now lists its dependencies (and added ``six``) 0.1.0 ----- * initial release * supports Django 1.5, 1.8 and 1.9 on python 2.7 and 3.4 * introduce ``FilteredModelBackend``, ``ActAsModelBackend``, and ``OnlySuperuserCanActAsModelBackend``