Supported Versions

Version Numbers

The project is versioned in the spirit of Semantic Versioning. Note however that currently it’s pre 1.0, thus minor version changes can be backwards incompatible. I.e.: 0.1.3 and 0.1.2 are compatible, but 0.2.0 and 0.1.3 are not.

Django Versions Support Philosophy

The project aims to support the versions Django itself supports.

Just because Django itself doesn’t support a version doesn’t mean that the project will drop support for that. However, support for these Django/Python versions can be dropped any time without prior notice. Usually this would be because of a new Django relase that would require bending over backwards to support older versions.

Supported version of djactasauth

The project itself has only a single supported version, that is the latest stable release.

I.e.: bugfixes are not backported, i.e.: if the current stable release is 1.2.3, but the bug applies to all versions since 0.1.2, the bug will only be fixed in 1.2.4.

Supported Django and Python versions

See tox.ini.

envlist =
py{27,33}-django1{5,6}, py{27,33,34}-django17, py{27,33,34,35}-django18, py{27,34,35}-django19, py{27,34,35}-django110,