
As an open source project, we welcome contributions.

Reporting issues/improvements

Please open an issue on github or provide a pull request whether for code or for the documentation.

For non-trivial changes, we kindly ask you to open an issue, as it might be rejected. However, if the diff of a pull request better illustrates the point, feel free to make it a pull request anyway.

Pull Requests

  • for code changes
    • it must have tests covering the change. You might be asked to cover missing scenarios
    • the latest flake8 will be run and shouldn’t produce any warning
    • if the change is significant enough, documentation has to be provided
  • if you are not there already, add yourself to the Authors file

Setting up all Python versions

sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
for version in 3.2 3.3 3.5; do
  sudo apt-get -y install ${py} ${py}-dev

Code of Conduct

As it is a Django extension, it follows Django’s own Code of Conduct. As there is no mailing list yet, please just email one of the main authors (see file)